Paranorman – 30 sec spot
Edited from an extended 90 second promo video, this was completely re-geared with a new storyline told via animated subtitle cards.The clients instructions were: show the man trying to buy candy from the vending machine, while the zombies interrupt. Intersperse it with playful title cards, "Be afraid.", "BE VERY AFRAID", "Well, not too afraid".
I re-worked the Alliance Films logo in the style of Paranorman, as well as giving my title cards a silent-film era, shaky gate / dust and scratch treatment in After Effects. And the end card was created by rotoscoping out the man as he passes in front of my date treatment in the background. SFX were sourced from a sound library to match the film projector sound / sticky film gate.
A fun spot for a fun film. If you haven't seen it yet, you really should - it was horribly underrated.